Sunday, April 4, 2010

"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country." -KV

Hello sweet friends and family-- welcome to my blog!

You may be asking yourself, "Sarah, why a blog? Why now?" Well, the thing is... I'm moving to Tuscon, AZ for a hot minute (April 13th- sometime in early August) to volunteer on a lovely organic farm called Sleeping Frog Farms. Faced with the choice between heading into adulthood with quiet dignity or making my escape to Arizona to make believe that I'm a farmer, I find myself with a wide-brimmed hat, an over-stuffed duffel bag, and a ticket to ride (southwest airlines). So while all of my other friends are pursuing more elevated endeavors (higher education, acting careers, saving the world etc.), I am going to explore the southwest and put off the inevitable.

I'm not going in it alone though! Dan Kohle is going to come with me to keep me company and to sow some oats of his own. He will be keeping a blog as well--for those who are interested-- though I don't think it exists just yet. I will update with a link as soon as one is available. Please note that because there will be large overlap in content, our blogs are in competition for your attention/readership (sort of a pepsi vs. coke thing). That being said, mine will be better. way better.

As a general update about my life otherwise:

For the year of 2010 so far, I have split my time as an AVID tutor at the middle school and high school levels and playmate to my mom's 4th grade class. It has been a blast (especially the 4th graders!) but my immune system is all but dust. One more bout of the crud and I would have spent my days in a plastic bubble (read: school children are 90% germs).

I've also put in for MSW programs at UNCC, UNC, UNCG, and UNCW. UNC regretfully says thank you, no. However, UNCC says, "yes! yes! yes!" and I will hear back from UNCG tomorrow (monday 4/5). As far as I know... UNCW has made off with my $60 application fee and is sipping daiquiris in Mexico.... meaning I haven't heard from them and there is no definite "we'll get back to you" date on the graduate school website. So, unless they get back to me within the next week, I'm not making plans to go there. I will continue to update my graduate school plans as I receive information from my programs. Send good vibes please!

So... 1 week 2 days to go! Over the next week I will take inventory of my belongings and get in some significant cuddles with the puppies-- check in for updates every few days (i'm not sure of my internet options on the farm... but I will update as frequently as I can/interesting things happen.

love love love,

sarah beeeee


UNCG says I'm good to go! So to recap: UNCG and UNCC both want me. UNC says nope (now I am even less likely to join the general alumni association). UNCW still MIA.

******UPDATE UPDATE******

As promised, here is Dan's competing farm blog.

Farmer Dan's naked puzzle basement


  1. Happy to see our sisterhood extends beyond the womb--excellent job on the blog, it will be the first that I actually read and enjoy. I love you sweet girl--Mertle

  2. Naked puzzle basement? Should I be horrified or delighted?

    I hear you're in SC--whew, brave girl you are. It's the spartan in you. Love!
