Monday, April 12, 2010

"Like so many Americans, she was trying to construct a life that made sense from things she found in gift shops." - KV

So, I'm in the final countdown. I am currently nestled between Meredith and her mega cool friend Eileen. They are doing grad school things and I am trying to keep up with all of their typing with my blog.

I've been in Greensboro for the last few days getting in some quality Meredith time and practicing farm living. During the first night the two guinea hens slept in the window by my head. The female guinea makes a call that sounds like a grocery cart with a loose wheel. It's off putting and of course she was very chatty first thing in the morning. At first I talked myself into being ok with it; however, Mrs. Guinea eventually became so loud that my only course of action was to open the window, shove her off the sill, and go back to sleep (she was only a couple of feet off the ground... no guineas were hurt).
I've also been getting in my needy animal fix through Meredith's two cats- Fig and Poppy- and her extremely curious chickens. Today I went out into the yard to read my book and within moments I had both cats on my lap and several chickens making the rounds by my feet. I'm very popular among the barn animals.
Another population in which i thrive: Elementary School children. I got to see Meredith in action among her little people. It's a lot of fun to see her work her magic on a troop of utterly fascinated eight year olds. Today she took them outside to write nature haiku's. Granted, there were only a few that wrote about things other than green grass or trees, but it was beautiful to be outside and by and large they were absolute trips. 3rd grade trivia: Because Meredith and I have the same haircut, we are twins. Also because I am taller, I am older. We are twins and I am older. Fact.

Ok, so It's time to stop the blogging and start repacking. I'll see you in AZ!

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