Monday, April 19, 2010

“Unexpected travel suggestions are dancing lessons from God”- KV

Welcome to Sleeping Frog!

OK, so tomorrow will mark my first full week at the farm. I've been slow to update because 1) I'm very busy and important, 2) it's hard to walk around with a camera in my pocket, 3) my hands are caked in mud most of the time and I don't want to contaminate my computer or my camera... so I apologize for my tardiness.

So, by and large WWOOFing has been a really great experience. Since it's only been a week I am hesitant to make any sweeping judgments...but everything I have been a part of so far has been really rewarding. My typical day is waking up at around 6 and dragging my feet and getting whatever caffeine I can into my system before i get out into the field at around 6:30. Depending on market days (thursday, saturday, and sunday) we may harvest greens before the day gets too hot. I've really enjoyed harvesting because it's really quiet and lets me get my thoughts together for the day/ is one of the few times you get to wear a sweater-- the desert has extreme temperature fluctuation so it can be in the mid 50's in the morning and be near 90 by the mid afternoon. I usually change my clothes a couple of times during the day just to adapt to this weather. Good news though... no humidity! It's really hard to tell how hot you are until are sunburned.

At around 9 am we go in to have breakfast and get a break and then back to work. We also take a longish break around noon. We try and avoid the hottest hours of the day because it's no good for us and it's no good for the plants (they wilt if you look at them too intensely). After lunch break we try and work until sundown and then we can relax for keeps. Other than harvesting work to be done includes: bed making (hoeing, raking, weeding, etc), pulling for new plants and tending to the animals (chickens, goats, and giant dogs). There are also some extremely affectionate cats who are almost always around underfoot--desperate for cuddles.

Gosh and Leche cuddle times.

Also underfoot... dead doves. One of the funniest thing to see around the farm is evidence of a bird genocide. Morning doves are considered pests so the cats are encouraged to snack on them. You cannot walk two feet without seeing dove pieces around (usually just the wings). I'm not going to lie, at first it was really off putting. Now it's just a part of my reality. Dead dovess.

Monday is the WWOOFer day off so we are allowed to sleep in and play around at our leisure. Today was pretty overcast so we are working on a puzzle. In to coming weeks I'd like to explore the washes and maybe go on a hike or two. However, today my interests are limited to assembling a 2000 piece puzzle of Casablanca.

Oh, and my mailing address is:

1801 West Overton Road
Tucson, Arizona 85704

write to me and send lots of love!

1 comment:

  1. Sending you the love, although it should probably be accompanied by sunscreen. I'm looking forward to reading more of your happy days on the farm (and posts that don't include dead doves) and your hikes into the desert. Enjoy.
    Kati Rangel
