Wednesday, May 5, 2010

IOU tons of pictures

Rather than try to integrate the photos into my last blog, I figured that they could just as easily (read: way more easily) have their own entry. Enjoy!

Since it's the first thing I see every morning (thanks a lot cats...) I decided to share this with you first: Dead Dove.

This is 0ne of the polar bears on the farm, Gus. Gus says, "Hello!" (subtext: what tasty things do you have that I can nom nom on?") Gus is a fatty fatty fat fat puppy dog.

Dan and I try and walk the dogs twice a day in the early morning and in the evening so we can avoid the heat. We were pausing briefly in the wash (washes fyi are temporary rivers that form during monsoon season in july and august. For the rest of the year they are just dry river beds) to watch a sunset. The dogs, despite weighing in at least 130 lbs apiece, are convinced they are lap dogs. Upon seeing me sit down, they took full advantage of my now available lap and set about crushing me to death. That's right, I am posthumously updating my blog. Consider me Tupac.

After my death by puppy cuddles, Dan comforts himself in the arms of another woman-- Lily the dog.

These are among the pretty things I get to see everyday!

So, someone somewhere keeps bees on the farm. I've never seen him but I know he exists because people talk about him. Anyways, there are tons of honey bees around doing some open pollination, and they are wonderful. A few days ago though the bees were going absolutely crazy over the cactus blooms. There would be as many as ten bees in one flower and they were just rolling in the pollen and sort of "bee wrestling". I recommend clicking on this photo and making it bigger-- the bee is clearly making eye contact with the camera. Vanity, thy name is honey bee.

A wide display of Sleeping Frog Farms' table. Seemingly, Dan and I are left to our own devices running the thing (bad idea all around, guys). In reality though there are between 3-4 WWOOFers at Sunday market and at least 1 farmer running the show. At this particular market we were selling scapes (the flowering part of onions), mint, turnips, head lettuce, beet greens, spinach, dino kale, swiss chard, dandelion greens, eggs (duck and chicken), and dates (which are grown in California and not at the farm). What we sell varies between market to market--though as I mentioned earlier, we are in seasonal transition and will be carrying actual produce and not greens (yes, yes, yes!).

Other things at the market: cute kids. To my knowledge they are not for sale (or maybe they are for the right price?)

Musicians! Ok, so I really like these guys because they are playing the Eagles, the Beatles, and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. They've apparently lost their novelty for everyone else as there is a distinct eye roll when they start to set up (they play the same songs every market... so I guess I could see that getting old. I'm still on board guys!)
So this sweet child is Ihler, Adam's four year old son. He is riding his very cool 1960's pixie bike around the "lush" landscape of the new farm (look, it's a tree! One of like twelve in the entire state of AZ). He' is riding after Ramona, the sweetest dog in the world. She is both terrified and completely joyful about Ihler chasing her.
So, there's a pond on the new farm! Gus and Lily wasted no time finding it (they were very hot and probably very glad to find such a thing). This photo documents the moment right before Gus starts his wet dog shake 'em off routine. Because their hair is so unbelievably thick, they continued to shake water off for the next 2 hours.

Debbie and I had the pleasure of ripping out 1970's puke green carpet out of her new cottage. It was awesome- check out that mask!

This is Ramona's big find. What a sweet day for Ramona.

Ok, so clearly they are advertising alcohol, right? Lies, lies, lies!

I'd post more pictures but I lent my camera to Dan. His camera doesn't have a usb cord so I'm letting him lift some of the pictures that i've taken for his blog. Mosey over there to see the rest of the pictures.


  1. your blog is always good for an ab workout, seeing that i have been laughing like a fool--i love the pictures, especially the ones of you! i miss you little bird. keep 'em coming!



  3. Washes are also known as arroyos. When I was in New Mexico for field camp last summer, my geomorphologist professor kept saying arroyo and all I could do was wonder what the hell he was talking about. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle. Looks like you're having a blast out there Sarah!!
